Time To Vote In The FFC Fanzine Awards 2009

The Football Fans Census Awards, are the online footballing equivalent to the Oscars and thanks to your kind nominations, Vital Forest are up for three awards.

On the strength of being nominated, your friendly, grovelling, yet appreciative Editor has already been fitted for a new whistle and has the speech prepared in readiness. (Well it could happen!)

Now is the time to really make your vote count and help make some old men very happy. We at Vital Forest really want to win this and see no point in coming second. We promise that it will go to our heads and we will make your lives unbearable if we win. We also promise that we wont miss a single opportunity to remind you that we won.

There are other Forest sites that have been nominated, but the correct answers you’re looking for when voting are either Vital Forest, or Guinless. You’ll get nothing from us for voting, just our eternal gratitude and smugness and the off chance that we’ll doff our caps to you in the street, if ever we meet.

To vote for your favourite Fanzine, just go to Football Fans Census Awards 2009 and click the big red link that says VOTE NOW. I’m now off to my trailer, to work on the speech and get a few tips from my new mate Kate Winslett.

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