There is more to life than football

It has to be said have not yet been able to come to terms with the full horror of the Yeovil massacre. I have remained pretty silent in the last week it has to be said – this whole sorry business has even affected my work and I still can`t bring myself to post on the forum.

Therefore I will keep this short and refrain from ranting and raving.

Many of us got a bit cocky last week and some might say we deserved it. The Wembley banners outside the ground were ill conceived and the players must have also thought that the job was done judging by that insipid performance (with the notable exception of Paul Smith). However, no one expected to witness that utter humiliation – not even cynical me.

Therefore I refuse to even think about football at the moment (with this obvious exception) the whole sorry affair has left an awful taste in my mouth and I have wasted too much time and energy on that lot for the time being. Like many people, I have a wife, a job and a mortgage, things that get totally forgotten about when I am posting on vital or watching Forest. As a result I am going to stop moping about and get on with the truly important things in life for a while.

Basically what I am saying is that there is more to life than following this shower. I needed a reality check to realise this as it hit me harder than ever this time. So as a result, I am taking a bit of time away from thinking/talking about football and will totally shut it out for a while. I will still be there next season that`s for sure, but how frequently is another matter.

I have been following Forest for 23 years but now need some time to re-ignite my love affair with the club as once again I feel utterly let down. I expect big changes in that time – don`t let me (us) down again.

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